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Join FCC

For one thing, donating to your favorite rowing team will give you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside.

But becoming a member of Friends of Clemson Crew has other perks:


  • Membership fees (plus all other donations) are tax-deductible

  • Free admission to the alumni events and tailgates (everyone else is welcome but there will be a cover charge to help defray the costs)

  • Compete in alumni crews at races such as Head of the Hooch, Head of the Charles, or the Dad Vail Regatta


Ultimately, your money goes towards supporting the rowing team we all love, making the sport accessible and affordable to future generations of Clemson oarsmen and women.


Go Tigers!

To help encourage everyone to join, regardless of age or income, we have scaled membership fees according to when you graduated (keeping them low for all you recent grads):


  • Bronze Level (1-5 years after graduation)

    • $50/year ($4.17/month)

  • Silver Level (6-10 years after graduation)

    • $100/year ($8.33/month)

  • Gold Level (11+ years after graduation)

    • $200/year ($16.67/month)


Prefer to donate annually?

Prefer to donate month-to-month?

Become a Member
Consider becoming a Friend of Clemson Crew today!

what your membership fees and donations support

  • The University has pulled back from funding student organizations and club sports, so having a strong, supportive, and active alumni board is essential for helping the team maintain funding. 

  • funding the CRA endowment 

  • supplementing the team's fundraising efforts when it comes to purchasing equipment for the team

  • encouraging the sport of rowing in the Clemson area. 

  • organizing events for FCC members such as tailgating, alumni gatherings, alumni rows, etc.

How will my membership be used?

What does "tax-deductible"mean?

A tax deduction is a deduction that lowers a person's tax liability by lowering their taxable income. Deductions are typically expenses that the taxpayer incurs during the year that can be applied against or subtracted from their gross income in order to figure out how much tax is owed. 

a big thank you to our donating members

Jason Bernard

Haley McKay

Frank Cunningham

Grant Kilgore

Wilson Carey

Ciro Piccirillo

Rusty Hawes

Turner Gruenewald

George Fry

Chris Mesigian

Sydna Lowe

Connor Marcinek

Michele Rorison

Chip Herbert

Annie Ahrens
Dom Cox
Zack McGhee
Julian Boyer
Nate Dubrouillet
Phil Hughston

Michael Metzger

Emilee Kutyla

Alaina Ann

Sydna Lowe

Bill Palmer

Matt Finch

Sarah Lee

William Darby

Hunter Burgin

Michele Rorison

Current Members
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